Episode 5
The dictionary definition of a pipe dream is “An unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme.” Today we drink and talk in Pipe Dream Brewery in Londonderry, NH with Co-owner and head brewer Jon Young! This place was a dream and now its a place that people meet up to share experiences and create.
Jon got into home brewing during his time in the military on the west coast. When he came back to New England he ran into complications with the jobs he was applying for and decided to stop that path and start a new one by opening up a brewery. When being open for a year and a half Pipe Dream moved from a 3 barrel system to a 15 barrel system and premiered over 93 beers from the start. Had to hear about the growth and the dream!
In This Episode You’ll Discover
Your dream will always evolve
Opening a brewery from home brewer to 15 barrel brew house!
It only takes one moment doing what you like to do to make you pursue your passion for the rest of your life.
Working 6 or 7 day weeks isn’t work when you love what you do
Picking your businesses location
Getting funding through other means
Red flags when signing a lease
If you don’t like reggae music or dogs get out……
COMMUNITY: Become part of the community, don’t be a place located in the community
Differentiate your brand, be who you are and your brand will be different
Be authentic
Paperwork takes time, especially in this industry
Whats your niche?
Raise your hand and ask for help, other entrepreneurs are trying to do what you are too
When you approach someone from a learning way they will open up
What does impression mean to your business? What does your customer think about coming into contact with your business?
“ I’ve never owned a brewery, I’ve never even worked in a brewery atmosphere in my whole life…..I was a home brewer”. Jon Young
“Anyone can do it, I am living proof” Jon Young
“ Did you hear this we’re sharing one heart beat like a heard of elk right now” Co-Host Ryan Carrigan
“Perception is reality” Dave Swillum
Pipe Dream Brewing Website
Jon Young’s Email
Jon’s Recommended book
Homebrewing Idiots Guide
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